
Our family

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lots of things!

So, I still haven't proven to be very good at keeping up with this thing. I always forget that I have it! Quite a bit has been going on since the last post even though it hasn't been very long...

I'll start by saying that we finally got Reagan into the pediatric urologist. The news is great news. She will not require surgery in the future! The doctor feels as though she should remain on her antibiotics for the next 18 months to ensure that she doesn't contract any infections until then. He said that after 18 months her hygiene will be adequate enough to feel comfortable taking her off the meds. He will also give her another renal ultrasound to prove that her kidneys have grown and developed since her last ultrasound in June of 2010. Overall, he is confident that she is healthy and will go without corrective surgery. Hooray!

We put Reagan into gymnastics this month and today will be her fourth time to go. The first two were not great by any means. She did not want to listen at all and kept running off from her coaches. I understand that she is three and it takes time for three year olds to warm up to these types of things, but goodness! You don't like to see that every other three year old in the room is doing as they are told and yours is running off doing her own thing. I would find myself pressed against the glass in the parent room pointing my finger at her in the direction she needed to be in. Still nothing. On her third visit, Daddy got to come along and she also got a new coach and she did significantly better! We took her out for ice cream as a reward because she did so well. I am looking forward to today's class. I hope she continues to improve!

As most everyone knows, I have a constant battle on my hands with my thyroid. I like to call it schizophrenic. It really doesnt know which personality it wants to have. Lately, I have been switching back and forth between hypo and hyper. I have been doing this long enough now to know which symptoms go with each. For hypo I feel really lethargic, my hair falls out like crazy, I have horribly mood swings and super dry skin. For hyper, I have trouble catching my breath, rapid heartbeat and a general yuck feeling. Those are just the big side effects. Im not really sure what normal feels like anymore. The switches to and from are happening more frequently now and I am finally headed to a specialist in mid February. Thank the Lord! I hope to get some answers and a plan of attack because I am tired of feeling like crap!

Josh is doing well. He is working alot more now since all the leave time is over. Now starts the fun time of constant training. Jumps, field time, schools, staff duty every 2 weeks and so on. I appreciate the time he is home. I miss half day schedule right after he got home from deployment! At this time we are unsure of when the next deployment will be, so until then we are working around his work schedule to have fun as a family. :) I am thankful that he does have a good job and a guaranteed paycheck every two weeks as I know many people do not. We can work around any late nights, field training, staff duty and schools! We have been kicking around a few ideas for changes, but nothing is working out yet. We have some time on our side this time to figure all that out.

All in all, things are going great for us. We are just going with the flow of things and cherishing our time together! We hope everyone else is doing well too!

P.S. I am STOKED that MY team made it to the Super Bowl! Woo hoo! GO PACK GO! :D Better luck next year to Josh's team, the Cowgirls. ;)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year

Whew! The holidays are over and life has gone back to what we know as normal. Josh is back at work and of course they are already filling up the calendar with days he wont be home, night jumps, FTX's and classes. Boo.

It was a fun 2 weeks of leave though! He started his leave on the 17th and it was awesome. I love it when he is home! Nick and Jessica came up for Christmas on the 22nd and then Tammy and Kaitlin came on Christmas Eve. Reagan was soo excited for Santa to come and of course we baked cookies and made reindeer food. She thought it was so cool. She woke up in the morning and was so mesmerized by all the presents under the tree. Between grandparents, aunts and uncles and Santa, it took her forever to open all the gifts! She was especially excited to see that Santa had left her a special gift in the garage! A brand new Barbie Jeep!

It was so cold that morning but she still got to ride around for a little bit. :) After all the presents and breakfast we worked most of the day on preparing a Christmas dinner. We had ham, turkey and lots of yummy side dishes and dessert. Not too shabby for my first Christmas in my own house. I also had lots of good help. :)

We woke up the next morning with quite a shock. They had been saying we would get snow but no one really believed it would be as much as it was! We ended up with what they said was a total of 8.5 inches! We made a snowman and had snowball fights. It was awesome and the snow was so pretty. Nick and Jessica has to head home that day but thankfully the only thing on the road causing problems was all the traffic.

We hung out at home for another day after Nick and Jessica left and then we left to Savannah for our 5 year wedding anniversary. It was an excellent time. Cant believe its already been 5 years! Many, many thanks to Tammy, Kelsey, Travis and Kaitlin for keeping our babies here and well taken care of so we could have a mini getaway. We love Savannah and always have a great time when we go.

We got back home and spent the last couple days with Tammy and it was fun. Its always great to be with family. We have an amazing family and we love each and every person in it! Overall, leave was a great time and we are looking forward to what 2011 has to bring. I think it will be a great year!

Monday, December 13, 2010

It's Christmas season!

Alright, so I have lots of friends who have been blogging for years. I haven't really had an interest in it until recently. I have always (I think) been good at keeping people updated with pictures of Reagan and everything. I know everyone loves that. After some thinking I decided that pictures are great, but I never really update anyone with whats actually going on in our lives unless they ask! Well, now you dont have to ask. Hopefully I can stay on track and keep this thing going. :)

Here we are at one of my most favorite times of year! I am especially excited about this year though. As most of you know, Josh and I are approaching our 5th wedding anniversary! Crazy, I know. I can't believe it's already been five years. That being said, this will be our first Christmas together in our own home with a huge tree, lights on the house and what I think will be a fabulous Christmas dinner. Every year since we have been together we have been somewhere else for Christmas. In 2005, we were in Texas and he was on his Christmas exodus leave from AIT and 4 days after Christmas we got married! In 2006, we came back to Texas for Christmas with our family because he was set to deploy in January. In 2007, Josh was still in Afghanistan on his 15 month deployment so Reagan and I were in Wisconsin with my Dad. 2008? He was back from Afghanistan so we were in Texas again! Then last year, you guessed it. He was back in Afghanistan again and I drove from Texas to Wisconsin with my sister, brother and Reagan for Christmas with my Dad. After all the madness in the past years, I was very set on staying home this year, and Josh agreed. We are going to miss everyone SO much on Christmas morning, but we need this family Christmas! :) I can't wait for Reagan to run out of her room and straight to the tree! Soon we will make cut-out cookies and reindeer dust!

Speaking of Reagan, she is growing up so fast and is still as sassy as ever. She is 3 going on 16. She has the eye rolling down already. We are in so much trouble when she actually does turn 16. She talks about everyone who isnt here all the time. She misses everyone. After the first of the year, we will be putting her into gymnastics so she has something to do. She has already mastered her somersault by practicing repeatedly on the living room floor. She has been fully potty trained for awhile now. She has had a few accidents in the last few weeks and we arent sure if thats related to her kidney reflux or not. She is finally getting in to see the pediatric urologist at the end of January. Thank you Tricare for that long battle! All in all, she is healthy, happy and oh so smart. She LOVES books and animals. She's even started singing songs recently. Aunty Kelsey has her singing, "Girl put your records on". As soon as I can be stealthy enough, I'll get a video and post it! She's a riot. We love her so much.

As for Josh and I, we are doing excellent. I love that guy so very much. I knew when I met him over 6 years ago that we would have something special. We are so excited to celebrate our anniversary. We got married young and faced alot of criticism from alot of different people. We told them all along that what we had was real. Well here we are people. It's real and its strong. I love him more and more every single day. We are trying to see where the army is going to take us next. If we stay where we are right now, he will be leaving for deployment number 3 next fall. :( Thats definately something I am not looking forward to, especially since we are trying for a second baby. I firmly believe that God has a plan though, and we will see how it unravels! Until then, we are enjoying time as a family and living life!