
Our family

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year

Whew! The holidays are over and life has gone back to what we know as normal. Josh is back at work and of course they are already filling up the calendar with days he wont be home, night jumps, FTX's and classes. Boo.

It was a fun 2 weeks of leave though! He started his leave on the 17th and it was awesome. I love it when he is home! Nick and Jessica came up for Christmas on the 22nd and then Tammy and Kaitlin came on Christmas Eve. Reagan was soo excited for Santa to come and of course we baked cookies and made reindeer food. She thought it was so cool. She woke up in the morning and was so mesmerized by all the presents under the tree. Between grandparents, aunts and uncles and Santa, it took her forever to open all the gifts! She was especially excited to see that Santa had left her a special gift in the garage! A brand new Barbie Jeep!

It was so cold that morning but she still got to ride around for a little bit. :) After all the presents and breakfast we worked most of the day on preparing a Christmas dinner. We had ham, turkey and lots of yummy side dishes and dessert. Not too shabby for my first Christmas in my own house. I also had lots of good help. :)

We woke up the next morning with quite a shock. They had been saying we would get snow but no one really believed it would be as much as it was! We ended up with what they said was a total of 8.5 inches! We made a snowman and had snowball fights. It was awesome and the snow was so pretty. Nick and Jessica has to head home that day but thankfully the only thing on the road causing problems was all the traffic.

We hung out at home for another day after Nick and Jessica left and then we left to Savannah for our 5 year wedding anniversary. It was an excellent time. Cant believe its already been 5 years! Many, many thanks to Tammy, Kelsey, Travis and Kaitlin for keeping our babies here and well taken care of so we could have a mini getaway. We love Savannah and always have a great time when we go.

We got back home and spent the last couple days with Tammy and it was fun. Its always great to be with family. We have an amazing family and we love each and every person in it! Overall, leave was a great time and we are looking forward to what 2011 has to bring. I think it will be a great year!

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